Friday, September 11, 2009

Life as a Texan!!

Well, Justin and I have lived in Texas now for over 3 months....WOW...where did time go? I am learning to like it here.....I will never get used to being so far from friends and family....but we are starting to build our own group of that is exciting. I am also a Texan at school.....a fighting W.B. Ray Texan to be exact!!! We just had a Pep Rally for our game tomorrow against Flour Bluff. Go Ray!!!

School is going good....I am trying to make myself be a better teacher...the first two years I just survived....and this year I am trying to improve on areas I have been weak in..........things are going well.....I still am lost half the time when it comes to administrative things....but I'll get it. Yesterday I tried to call about one of my students.....come to find out his parents only speak Spanish.....and that is the case for a lot of my that is really different than VA. I miss home like crazy...I want to be able to see friends and family everyday.....but oh well.....this is the life we have and I might as well enjoy it!!! God has us here for a reason....and I'm gonna stick with his plan!!

Justin is off Hunting this weekend with a friend of I have the house to myself....Heck yes!!! TGIF!!!